
Become a Sponsor for the RMA Oklahoma Chapter!

Sponsorship opportunities are available to sponsor specific events or for media content.  Below are the Sponsorship Levels for the current fiscal year:

Silver Sponsor: $500

Package includes:

  • Flyer/Brochure/tchotchke on each seat at the sponsored event
  • Recognition of sponsorship at event
  • Recognition of sponsorship of event on all RMA social media*

Gold Sponsor: $1,000

All benefits of Silver sponsorship benefits plus: 

  • Half page in semi-annual newsletter and chapter website for the RMA year. Newsletter will go out to each member digitally and posted to the chapter website. Recognition on chapter website home page and social media*
  • Five minute presentation on services provided when event starts (optional)
  • One seat at all Tulsa/OKC events for the RMA fiscal year

Platinum Sponsor: $2,500*

All benefits of Silver and Gold sponsorships plus:

  • Full page ad in the semi-annual newsletter for the RMA year*
  • Two seats at each event (Tulsa/OKC) for the RMA fiscal year and two additional seats at the keynote speaking engagement. 
  • Sponsorship headliner for the keynote speaking engagement on flyers and other advertisements.  Those events are marketed to members and non-members in the Oklahoma financial services industry along with their support partners.*
  • Platinum Sponsors will also be allowed to reserve and price freeze sponsorship for the following RMA year. 

Elite Sponsor:  $5,000+

All benefits of Silver, Gold, and Platinum sponsorships plus:

  • Platinum Sponsors will also be allowed to reserve and price freeze sponsorship for the following two RMA fiscal years. 
  • There will only be one Elite sponsorship granted per RMA year. 

Newsletter and Chapter Website Advertising Sponsorship: $250 or $500

  • $50 to $150 - Recognition of sponsorship of event on all RMA social media
  • $150 - Quarter page on newsletter and recognition of sponsorship of event on all RMA social media
  • $250 - Half page on newsletter and recognition of sponsorship of event on all RMA social media
  • $500 - Full page on newsletter, LinkedIn Post of Appreciation, and chapter website for the RMA fiscal year.

* Newsletter distribution includes over 1500 bankers across Oklahoma. Oklahoma Chapter LinkedIn Page has 487+ followers. RMAHQ has over 37K followers. 

For more information contact: Nicholas Davis at nicholas.davis@midfirst.com