What is RMA Young Professionals Group?
Professionals early in their careers of either banking, accounting, legal services, or a financial services business looking to network with other young professionals in the local area. Those that choose to get involved have the opportunity to build relationships with people who can help with their career, learn marketable skills, build valuable knowledge, achieve personal and professional growth, and be part of a dynamic and unique group.
Young Professionals (YP), is a group of young (mostly!)
professionals who are relatively new to the financial services industry and/or
to the Los Angeles area. Our purpose is:
- Have Fun!
- Network with peers, other professionals and managers
within this market
- Build valuable knowledge regarding commercial credit
culture and the banking industry.
- Grow personally by learning and developing valuable
skills, such as leadership, communication, decision making, problem solving and
Find us on Social Media
Like us on Facebook - click here
Follow us on Twitter: RMA LA Chapter: YP
Connect with us on Linked-In: RMA - Los Angeles Chapter
Email us with any questions: kelli.a.domae@baml.com
College Students:
The RMA offers a free membership to currently enrolled college students.
We also have a scholarship for those interested in the financial industry. Click here for more details.
Our Next Event:
We have events specifically catering to young professionals; contact Kelli Domae (kelli.a.domae@baml.com) for more information.