

Welcome to the
Montreal Chapter

About RMA

Founded in 1914, The Risk Management Association (RMA) is a not-for-profit, member-driven professional association whose sole purpose is to advance the use of sound risk principles in the financial services industry. RMA promotes an enterprise approach to risk management that focuses on credit risk, market risk, and operational risk.

Headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, RMA has 1,600 institutional members that include banks of all sizes as well as nonbank financial institutions. They are represented in the Association by 31,000 individuals located throughout North America, Europe, Australia, and Asia/Pacific.

Interested in getting involved with RMA and this Chapter? Go to www.rmahq.org/membership to find out how.

About the Chapter

The Montreal Chapter, like all RMA chapters, is organized and run by volunteer members. We strongly encourage current or prospective members to become involved in shaping the future direction of the chapter by contacting any of the current officers or committee chairs. We would also be happy to discuss the many benefits that can be derived from membership in RMA.​

RMA Announcements

RMA and BAI have come together as ProSight Financial Association. This strategic combination brings together RMA’s expertise in serving commercial banking and its risk management needs and BAI’s knowledge in serving retail banking and its regulatory compliance requirements.

The trusted programs and products we provide are delivered with your best interests in mind to help you address the challenges and opportunities you and your organization are facing. You can learn more about our offerings at our new website.


Président et Trésorier
Charles Nguyen, RBC Marchés des capitaux

Présidente et Secrétaire
Patricia Careaga, Roynat

Alexandra Bell, EDC

Marco Garberi, BDC
Michel Paulo, BDC
Natasha Bratic, BMO
Annie Dagenais, BMO
Charles Ayas, BNC
Valérie Gauthier, BNC
Martin Brisebois, Desjardins
Guillaume Lamy, Desjardins
Francis Méthot, IQ
Jean-François Bacon, RBC
Aïcha Gerba, RBC
Caroline Gendron, TD


Pour la saison 2021-2022, tous les événements du RMA - Chapitre de Montréal seront présentés de façon virtuelle.
Restez à l'affût !

L'équipe du RMA - Chapitre de Montréal

Le RMA – Chapitre de Montréal a le plaisir de vous inviter à son prochain événement :

"Une discussion avec nos Chefs de Crédit"  

Soyez parmi nous mercredi 18 mai dès 10h30.
Nous aurons le plaisir d'accueillir quatre chefs de crédit parmi les institutions financières au Québec.

Panélistes :

ANTOINE AVRIL, Vice-président, Risques, Octroi de crédit et Prêts spéciaux, Mouvement Desjardins

JEAN-PHILIPPE GAGNON, Vice-président, Octroi de crédit, Entreprises, Particuliers et Gestion de patrimoine, Banque Nationale

GHASSAN DEKO, Directeur principal, Gestion du risque de crédit, Est du Canada, RBC Banque Royale

MARTIN BEAUCHAMPS, Chef, Crédit services bancaires aux entreprises, Est du Canada, BMO


MARCO GARBERI, VPA, Gestion du risque de crédit et d’investissement, capital de croissance et transfert d’entreprise, BDC

La présentation sera virtuelle et donnée en français.

Mercredi le 18 mai 2022
10h30 à 12h00


Coût : Gratuit