Revitalizing RMA’s New Orleans Chapter
The New Orleans Chapter’s reconstituted board was charged with revitalizing the chapter for the 2019-2020 fiscal year. Since the year began in September 2019, the board’s enthusiasm has spurred an exciting year! We have staged the following activities through March 2020:
Economic Update from GNO, Inc. President & CEO Michael Hecht
Young Professionals Social Event
Women’s ABC Golf Clinic held at English Turn
Three RMA webinars:
The CRE Scene
Strategies for a Downturn
OCC’s Fall 2019 Semiannual Risk Perspective
Three RMA Classes:
Analyzing Business Tax Returns
Analyzing Personal Financial Statements and Tax Returns
Structuring Commercial Loans I
RMA Night Out with the New Orleans Pelicans
University Outreach - Presentations and student events at the Univ. of New Orleans and Tulane
Annual Conference Support - RMA’s Annual Risk Management Conference – October 2019
Upcoming Events…
Please take advantage of these upcoming activities before this fiscal year ends in August 2020:
Leveraged Lending Update: A Risk Readiness Webinar – April 21, 2020
Detecting Problems Loans/Problem Loan Workouts classes - April 22-23, 2020
Economic Update for these Uncertain Times (in planning stages potentially May 2020)
Thanks so much to our board members for their efforts and energy in revitalizing the N.O. Chapter
Chris Miller
President, RMA New Orleans Chapter.
RMA New Orleans Chapter Night Out with the Pelicans