Communications Guidelines

Whether by traditional mail or e-mail, large mailings should be reviewed before being sent out. Always ask someone (not necessarily an editor) to read over a letter before you send it. Typos and grammatical problems are more likely to be caught when a letter is reviewed by more than one person.

Present a professional appearance in printed materials by using type no smaller than 10 point and avoiding excessive use of color and bold or Italic fonts.

Do not use clip art
on anything, including labels, e-mails, letters, conference brochures, or presentations. Clip art detracts from our branding effort. If you think a printed piece would benefit from art, ask the Marketing designers to create the art for you.

Use the most updated RMA logo. The current logo and other templates can be found on myRMA in the Marketing section.

Do not lift information off other Web sites verbatim. This is plagiarism and copyright infringement. If you want to use information you find on the Web—get permission.

All documents must have the creation date or date of revision on them.


Use email for some communications. Not everything needs to be printed. Some information can be posted on the Web and members can then be sent an email to alert them to it. Use an email signature at the end of the document. Use the same rules of communication for emails that are used for any other document. Proofread the document by using spell check and ask someone to review it before sending it out.

Form Letters

Form letters should be written in a warm and personal way.  Form letters can be personalized. 

Do not send a form letter that invites a returning council chair to serve as council chair for the coming year as if he or she had never done it before.

Round Table Invitations

The RMA round table invitation template specifies placement for required information: the round table title, date, city, state, and hotel name must appear at the top of the page. Contact information should appear in the left-hand sidebar. That way, travelers can pull the letter out of their briefcases and quickly find the necessary information to instruct a cab driver.

The round table invitation template can be downloaded from myRMA. See the Marketing page.

Thank You Letters to Volunteers

Form letters used to thank council and committee members for their help need to be written in a warm and personal way. Form letters can be personalized.